"Our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts is His name,
The Holy One of Israel." ~ Isaiah 47.4
"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law,
having become a curse for us." ~ Galatians 3.13a

There are many verses in the Old Testament that refer to God as the “redeemer” of Israel. The New Testament writers make it clear that Jesus is the One who redeems all those who turn to God.


But what does this word “redeem” mean. To redeem is to satisfy a debt; to pay back a debt that is owed. In ancient cultures it was common for those who were unable to pay back a debt to give themselves over to slavery (or to be forcibly taken into slavery) in order to payback the debt. When the debt had been satisfied, either by years of service, or a sum of money (ransom) had been raised and paid on behalf of the individual, the person was set free. So, to redeem is to pay a ransom in order to satisfy a debt.


Additionally, the Hebrew culture had the concept of the “kinsman redeemer,” a person who would step up and help a relative out of danger or financial crisis. If he had lost his land (important in Jewish culture as the land allotted by your tribe was directly connected to the covenant with God), the kinsman redeemer would buy back the land, keeping it in the family and allowing the person to work the land for continued survival (if you didn’t farm, you didn’t eat!). Another function of the kinsman redeemer was revenging (“buying back”) the life of a murdered relative.


So, when the Bible tells us that Jesus redeemed us, it tells us that Jesus paid a debt that we owed. Romans 6.23 tells us that we owe a debt to God because of our sin. Jesus paid the debt on our behalf. He became our Kinsman Redeemer, paying our debt and setting us free from the slavery of sin.


But heres what’s really interesting, Jesus not only paid the debt, he became the ransom paid on our behalf! He didn’t just plop a bag of money down to pay the debt, he willingly sacrificed His own life to become our ransom! Jesus proclaimed about Himself, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10.45). So Jesus is both our Redeemer and our Ransom! Praise God!


Jesus, thank You for being my Redeemer. Thank You for not only paying my sin debt, but becoming the Ransom paid on my behalf! I will never be worthy of Your great sacrifice, yet give me the strength and determination to live my life in such a way that I honor Your sacrifice. Amen.

Advent Devotional
by Bible Project
hosted by
YouVersion Bible App

Christ the Suffering Redeemer (1488-1500) by Andrea Mantegna (egg on tempera panel) Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark

Christ the Suffering Redeemer was painted by 15th century Italian artist Andrea Mantegna. This devotional painting was intended for a private household.


The central figure is the resurrected Christ who, with open arms and hands, displays his wound on his hands, feet, and side. Jesus’ face demonstrates the suffering He endured on our behalf. The overall effect is to remind the viewer that Christ suffered in order to redeem.


Jesus’ body is wrapped in a metallic white shroud, and is supported by two kneeling angels (a seraphim and a cherubim). The background is filled with an open landscape under the sunset light.


On the right is Calvary with the three crosses and a quarry in which men are working a slab, a column and a statue. Two further workers can be seen in a grotto, illuminated by an internal source of light.


On the left, part the sarcophagus’ cover is visible. Also visible are fields with shepherds and cattle and a walled city, Jerusalem, at the feet of a rocky formation. Two pious women run a path to reach Jesus’ tomb.


The finely painted sarcophagus on which Christ is leaning is a clear demonstration of Mantegna’s skill. The painting is signed on the right edge corner of the marble base. (adapted from website Artistic Adventures of Mankind

Christ the Suffering Redeemer (1488-1500) by Andrea Mantegna
(egg on tempera panel) Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, Denmark

Christ the Suffering Redeemer was painted by 15th century Italian artist Andrea Mantegna. This devotional painting was intended for a private household.


The central figure is the resurrected Christ who, with open arms and hands, displays his wound on his hands, feet, and side. Jesus’ face demonstrates the suffering He endured on our behalf. The overall effect is to remind the viewer that Christ suffered in order to redeem.


Jesus’ body is wrapped in a metallic white shroud, and is supported by two kneeling angels (a seraphim and a cherubim). The background is filled with an open landscape under the sunset light.


On the right is Calvary with the three crosses and a quarry in which men are working a slab, a column and a statue. Two further workers can be seen in a grotto, illuminated by an internal source of light.


On the left, part the sarcophagus’ cover is visible. Also visible are fields with shepherds and cattle and a walled city, Jerusalem, at the feet of a rocky formation. Two pious women run a path to reach Jesus’ tomb.


The finely painted sarcophagus on which Christ is leaning is a clear demonstration of Mantegna’s skill. The painting is signed on the right edge corner of the marble base. (adapted from website Artistic Adventures of Mankind

Playlist Daily Highlight

Take the time to listen . . . really listen to the words of this song. Reflect on them. Let God’s spirit speak to you in this moment.