Websites & apps

Share Your Faith App
When you are witnessing to others and want to show what Christ has done for them and how they can have a personal relationship with God, this bridge diagram will guide them through the process.

God Tools App
As a Christian you want the people in your life to know how to have a life-changing relationship with God. But starting that conversation feels intimidating. Open GodTools to show someone what you believe and why it matters, in language they understand.

Dare to Share App
Based on the popular YouTube video Life in 6 Words, this interactive, engaging, faith-sharing tool provides you with a bridge for naturally initiating spiritual conversations. Use it walk someone through a clear, visually compelling explanation of the gospel and invite them to put their trust in Jesus.

God's Not Dead App
The God's Not Dead app explains the evidence for the Christian faith, as featured in the God's Not Dead movies and books. It provides quick answers to the most common and challenging religious questions, and equips believers and non-believers with in-depth resources for further study.

Exchange Message App
Jesus is the Son of God. He came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died in our place to save you and me from our sin. When you trust Jesus to pay the price of your sin, you become a child of God - the start of a real relationship with Him. This is The Exchange - when Jesus exchanges our sinful record with His personal perfect sacrifice.