Student SERVE

As we grow in our relationship with the Lord our desire to serve others will begin to grow.
We can serve in our church or in a community focused ministry of our church. ORBC has many opportunities to serve.
You can serve on Sunday mornings in the Children’s Ministry, Audio-Tech Team, Greeter Team, etc.
You can also serve by coming up to the church to do various tasks (painting, cleaning, administrative work, etc.).
You can also serve in one of several ORBC community focused ministries.
The Pregnancy Center of Portland provides resources to pregnant women in our local community. You can volunteer to sort donations or other tasks as needed.
ORBC is very active with Operation Christian Love (Eagle Pass, TX). This ministry helps provide clothing for families in need at the border at Eagle Pass, TX. They also work with an orphanage in Mexico.
You can serve by sorting donations of clothing at ORBC.
Or you could serve on one of several mission trips to the border.
Another very important and active community ministry at ORBC is Ramps of Love. They meet monthly to build ramps for those in need in the Portland area.
Or, maybe you have a passion for another area where you see a need! Start your own ministry! Connect with your student pastor and see how he can help you get started!